Thursday, July 25, 2013

♡ Sheinside favorites ♡

♡ Sheinside favorites ♡

Hey everyone! Sorry for my absence but i was going through some personal things these past few weeks. But now i'm back, and with a super cute sheinside favorites blogpost.
Sheinside is a wonderful women's fashion website where you can buy loads of different kinds of street fashion clothing! Everything is pretty inexpensive for the quality you get, so it's a pretty A+ place to shop! They also have free worldwide shipping so that's pretty great!

here are some of my favorites off the website :

♡ Dresses ♡

♡ Tops ♡ 

 ♡ Bottoms  ♡ 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Update on my life

 Hey everyone this is just a post to say that i'm still alive! I've been absent this past week and a half because my uncle had a massive heart attack and i've been with my family because he's in very very critical conditions and his chances of living are very slim.

I promise i'll get back to posting new blogs really soon; i have a few reviews for you guise, also back to school post, and other things that i hope everyone will enjoy!

I'll be back soon!
Stay Creepy.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

☪ Los Angeles National Forest Adventure ☪

☪ Los Angeles National Forest Adventure ☪

Hey everyone on Tuesday I went hiking in the Los Angeles National Forest over in Arcadia. We were suppose to visit Sturtevant Falls but ended visiting Hermit Falls instead due to not paying attention to the signs/directions.

Either way the hike was beautiful, so many stunning views and amazing ecosystems! Hermit Falls itself was very beautiful as well. I swam in the lagoons there and they are extremely cold, but so refreshing, especially on a hot day. A lot of people do cliff jumping there into the water because the water is pretty deep. I myself wanted to try it, but got to scared to try. I definitely will try next time though!

Along the way to the falls i took a bunch of pictures with my Canon Rebel T3 and wanted to share some with you.

Here are some of my favorite pictures I got of the amazing hike. 
(all pictures edited in photoshop elements 3.0 and enhanced with Iphoto)

Also look at this beautiful kitty we saw at the general store!

All in All the hike was very fun! The hiking itself is on a moderate level perfect for children with adult supervision. I would recommend also if you are going to do this hike to please wear good shoes with really good grip some parts of the hike are very steep and some parts have a lot loose gravel, so please be careful around these areas! Also please do not litter or vandalize the forest in any way, i saw a lot of graffiti and trash along this hike and it made me very sad. Please be kind to the land you will one day be a part of it!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

✿July Wish list✿

✿July Wish list✿

Hey everyone! Every month i'll be posting my wish list of clothing and trinkets that i love. 
This is the first one that i will be doing so i hope you like it! I will link all the stores where i found the items at the the bottom. 

From left to right:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

♥LACMA Day!♥

LACMA day  

Hey everyone! sorry i haven't been making post in a while this week was birthday day week and i've been super busy. For my actual birthday I went to venice beach/to dinner with my family, and i forgot to take pictures so i can't really make a blog post on it. 
But i decided to make up for that by making a post about my night at LACMA yesterday! LACMA is a art museum in LA that offers free admission to people under 18 if you get a nextgen lacma pass. With the pass you can get one adult in as well for free! The pass is free to get and you can use it till you turn 18! Meaning if you get your son/daughter one and she is 8 years old she or he will be able to get free admission for 10 years! Also during the summer on Fridays they have free concerts (usually jazz/latin bands) and parts of the museum are open till 11 pm, as well as free parking at 7 pm. It's a perfect way to spend time with your family,friends,  and boyfriend or girlfriend and i recommend getting the pass if you're under 18, it's free anyway!

Anyway, now on to posting about my night there! I went with my close friend and her mom to the museum and we got there at around 7:30 pm. One side of the museum closes at 8:00 pm so we only got to look around a little at the left side of the museum but what i saw i loved!
here are some pictures i took of some of my favorite pieces i saw

i'm a sucker for pencil sketches and the two i photographed here were absolutely beautiful to observe in real life. All the lines and different values of the pencil plus the interesting stylization of the people being drawn caught my eye quickly! The sculpture is amazing in real life as well, but i had to take a picture real sneaky because the security guard in this particular section was really against photography. 

After we browsed this section a little we went outside and got coffee, but unfortunately the coffee was that great but it was pretty! 

After the coffee we went to the other side of the museum were they have more of the newer more art work.

here are some of my favorite pieces.

I actually did a report on feminist art for my final in my studio class and used the last piece as my first picture to critique, so i was super excited to see it in real life! I didn't expect it to be really big but it was HUGE in real life and stunning.

After looking around the right side of the museum we went to go explore the streetlamp garden located in the front and i snapped this selfie!

After running through the lamps we went to eat at The Pantry, a local LA restaurant  that's really famous and really yummy! We also saw some fun cosplayer all over LA because Anime Expo is this weekend.

All in all yesterday was a really fun day at LACMA, and i wish i could share with you my pictures i took using my DSLR but i'm to lazy to upload.
The only problem is we got there kind of late and couldn't explore all of the museum. But i'm for sure going early next time to see more beautiful art work.

Friday, June 28, 2013

♡Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies♡

♡Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies♡

Hi everyone! I'm making a quick post about my top 10 favorite horror movies! I love horror/paranormal/Scary movies (however you prefer to call it) and wanted to share with you some of my favorite ones.
Number 10:
The Haunting:

One of the first Scary movies I remember ever watching. I loved this movie as a kid, and even though when I watch it now i think it's kind of dumb I still love this movie. 

Number 9:
The Evil Dead (1981)

I haven't seen the new one but I love The Evil Dead and the two sequels. The first Evil Dead will forever be my favorite though! I remember watching these movies with my brother when i was young and wanting to be badass like Ash!

Number 8:

A lot of people didn't like this movie, but I loved it and i am very excited for the second one to come out. I mainly liked this one because of the art direction and how silly yet horrific some of the scenes were.

Number 9:
The Devil's Carnival

This one is another one that i loved because of the art direction and sets/costumes! It's also a musical which is pretty cool and unique for a horror film. This one isn't that scary but it holds a lot of really interesting themes and is really fun to analyze/ watch.

Number 8:
Rosemary's Baby

A true classic! I love this film! I only recently watched it, but now i finally understand what all the hype was about! A must watch in my opinion.

Number 7:
Ju-on: The Grudge 

The japanese version of The Grudge. The American version is really good too, but i still prefer the japanese just because it was a little creepier to me!

Number 6:

This movie is more Thriller than horror but it freaked me out as a kid! It was the first movie I ever got scared of, so that for sure holds a place in my top 10.

Number 5:
The Shining

Who doesn't love The Shining?! If you're just getting started with horror movies I usually recommend this one! It's a classic must see horror film. I haven't read the book but i plan to some time this year.

Number 4:
Village of the Damned (1960)

Creepy sci-fi horror movie! The remake of this movie is also really good but i would recommend watching the original!

Number 3:
Jennifer's Body

I get made fun of for liking this movie so much. But i love it! Comedy/ Horror films are some of my favorites. Plus the soundtrack to this movie is really great.

Number 2:
Blair Witch Project

I was up for 3 nights straight after watching this movie oh my god! It was the first documentary style horror film i had ever seen and it scared the heck out of me. It quickly became one of my all time favorite horror movies though.

Number 1:
House of 1000 corpses 

I love the originality of this film, the art of this film and how dirty this film makes you feel! I just love this movie! Everything about House of 1000 Corpses is really fucked up and strange but that's what i love the most in a horror film! 

If you guise can recommend me any other good horror films to watch i would very much appreciate! I love finding new horror films to watch in the dark. It's one of my favorite things to do over the summer. 
And i am always very enthusiastic to watch any kind of horror film genre, so please send me some recommendations!