Saturday, July 6, 2013

♥LACMA Day!♥

LACMA day  

Hey everyone! sorry i haven't been making post in a while this week was birthday day week and i've been super busy. For my actual birthday I went to venice beach/to dinner with my family, and i forgot to take pictures so i can't really make a blog post on it. 
But i decided to make up for that by making a post about my night at LACMA yesterday! LACMA is a art museum in LA that offers free admission to people under 18 if you get a nextgen lacma pass. With the pass you can get one adult in as well for free! The pass is free to get and you can use it till you turn 18! Meaning if you get your son/daughter one and she is 8 years old she or he will be able to get free admission for 10 years! Also during the summer on Fridays they have free concerts (usually jazz/latin bands) and parts of the museum are open till 11 pm, as well as free parking at 7 pm. It's a perfect way to spend time with your family,friends,  and boyfriend or girlfriend and i recommend getting the pass if you're under 18, it's free anyway!

Anyway, now on to posting about my night there! I went with my close friend and her mom to the museum and we got there at around 7:30 pm. One side of the museum closes at 8:00 pm so we only got to look around a little at the left side of the museum but what i saw i loved!
here are some pictures i took of some of my favorite pieces i saw

i'm a sucker for pencil sketches and the two i photographed here were absolutely beautiful to observe in real life. All the lines and different values of the pencil plus the interesting stylization of the people being drawn caught my eye quickly! The sculpture is amazing in real life as well, but i had to take a picture real sneaky because the security guard in this particular section was really against photography. 

After we browsed this section a little we went outside and got coffee, but unfortunately the coffee was that great but it was pretty! 

After the coffee we went to the other side of the museum were they have more of the newer more art work.

here are some of my favorite pieces.

I actually did a report on feminist art for my final in my studio class and used the last piece as my first picture to critique, so i was super excited to see it in real life! I didn't expect it to be really big but it was HUGE in real life and stunning.

After looking around the right side of the museum we went to go explore the streetlamp garden located in the front and i snapped this selfie!

After running through the lamps we went to eat at The Pantry, a local LA restaurant  that's really famous and really yummy! We also saw some fun cosplayer all over LA because Anime Expo is this weekend.

All in all yesterday was a really fun day at LACMA, and i wish i could share with you my pictures i took using my DSLR but i'm to lazy to upload.
The only problem is we got there kind of late and couldn't explore all of the museum. But i'm for sure going early next time to see more beautiful art work.

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