Friday, June 28, 2013

♡Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies♡

♡Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies♡

Hi everyone! I'm making a quick post about my top 10 favorite horror movies! I love horror/paranormal/Scary movies (however you prefer to call it) and wanted to share with you some of my favorite ones.
Number 10:
The Haunting:

One of the first Scary movies I remember ever watching. I loved this movie as a kid, and even though when I watch it now i think it's kind of dumb I still love this movie. 

Number 9:
The Evil Dead (1981)

I haven't seen the new one but I love The Evil Dead and the two sequels. The first Evil Dead will forever be my favorite though! I remember watching these movies with my brother when i was young and wanting to be badass like Ash!

Number 8:

A lot of people didn't like this movie, but I loved it and i am very excited for the second one to come out. I mainly liked this one because of the art direction and how silly yet horrific some of the scenes were.

Number 9:
The Devil's Carnival

This one is another one that i loved because of the art direction and sets/costumes! It's also a musical which is pretty cool and unique for a horror film. This one isn't that scary but it holds a lot of really interesting themes and is really fun to analyze/ watch.

Number 8:
Rosemary's Baby

A true classic! I love this film! I only recently watched it, but now i finally understand what all the hype was about! A must watch in my opinion.

Number 7:
Ju-on: The Grudge 

The japanese version of The Grudge. The American version is really good too, but i still prefer the japanese just because it was a little creepier to me!

Number 6:

This movie is more Thriller than horror but it freaked me out as a kid! It was the first movie I ever got scared of, so that for sure holds a place in my top 10.

Number 5:
The Shining

Who doesn't love The Shining?! If you're just getting started with horror movies I usually recommend this one! It's a classic must see horror film. I haven't read the book but i plan to some time this year.

Number 4:
Village of the Damned (1960)

Creepy sci-fi horror movie! The remake of this movie is also really good but i would recommend watching the original!

Number 3:
Jennifer's Body

I get made fun of for liking this movie so much. But i love it! Comedy/ Horror films are some of my favorites. Plus the soundtrack to this movie is really great.

Number 2:
Blair Witch Project

I was up for 3 nights straight after watching this movie oh my god! It was the first documentary style horror film i had ever seen and it scared the heck out of me. It quickly became one of my all time favorite horror movies though.

Number 1:
House of 1000 corpses 

I love the originality of this film, the art of this film and how dirty this film makes you feel! I just love this movie! Everything about House of 1000 Corpses is really fucked up and strange but that's what i love the most in a horror film! 

If you guise can recommend me any other good horror films to watch i would very much appreciate! I love finding new horror films to watch in the dark. It's one of my favorite things to do over the summer. 
And i am always very enthusiastic to watch any kind of horror film genre, so please send me some recommendations!

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